One year after taking down the supernatural threat behind a series of disappearances, Sayuri Shirasagi and her friends team up once more to unravel a...
As a professor of antiquities, you assumed your new position would involve investigating strange artifacts and stories of monsters. You didn't expect...
In Barrowport, a town of dark mysteries, the young woman said, "I want you to ruin me." As a professor of antiquities, you assumed your new position...
A man wakes up from a coma with amnesia. Can he recover his memories and reconnect with his loved ones? ChangeLog v0.99a: Story Scenes: Kate, Elena...
"In a world devastated by destruction, three survivors fight not only against zombies but also against their own inner demons from the past. Immerse...
Overview: Set in a modern Lovecraft universe. Alice Moore, a student of the famous Arkham University, is searching for a way to reverse her brother's...
You play as a Marshal which is left to look after a dying town of around 300 people. One night, as you return to the station to call it a day, a call...
Updated: 15-Sep-2024 Reason: Added AI Improved mac lite ver.
You're playing as a young man in his early twenties, who receives an unexpected invitation from his best friend, Nicholas, to spend the summer at his...
Folk Moan is an adult cozy mystery slice-of-life isekai adventure game. You wake up in a wild arctic village. To return to the city you need to help...
You play as a Marshal which is left to look after a dying town of around 300 people. One night, as you return to the station to call it a day, a call...
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