Earth Girls is a satire of various genres such as: harem, stat builder, and dating sims. You play as a student trying to answer one of life's elusive...
Overview: Killer Project is a visual novel with multiple choices about the story of a hit man who, after faking his own death, tries to live a normal...
Overview: You play the role of a 27-year-old man who returns to his hometown after nearly 10 years to hear his father's last will and testament. You...
Focuses on giving the player full control. Treats a fictional character as a living entity. Allows the player to play as themselves, rather than as a...
Overview: On a different note. The response I got for the post Dana game prologue were pretty positive. I'm sharing it now with everyone, so that all...
Overview: The story takes place in the planet Aethus V. Emperor Krux just issued an order to arrest former Blackgate guards. What that has to do with...
Overview: You take on the role of a successful middle aged man who is starting to feel the years slip by. Maybe the new college students you and your...
Updated: 17-Jun-2022 Reason: add italian translation.
Overview: In Helping The Hotties, you're a college student who receives an unexpected phone call at the worst possible time, the beginning of summer....
Overview: This is a game about a young guy whose life is not much different from an ordinary school! But there are many interesting situations in his...
Updated: 16-Jun-2022 Reason: add italian translation.
Each 12 years orc’s attack your homeland and each time it has enough forces only to protect itself but never to strike back. Your father was a hero...
Overview: Poolside Adventure is massive dating/adventure game with open world and variety of choices. Four girls to seduce, each of them with her own...
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