Rufflenecks Hunt and Snare version r33c Porn Game

Porn Game: Rufflenecks Hunt and Snare version r33c

You lost your duties as a butler due to the incident at The Dragon's Castle, but now that you own a ship and can explore the Sky Realm unhinged, you have decided to become a hunter. You've heard that various islands of the Sky Realm have mysterious species that are highly priced as companions, professionals, and show pieces."
Description one liner:A third person view game where you explore, sneak, hunt, and sexplore with your sky ship crew.​
NEW Feature - Hireable NPCs - Each island now has randomly spawning NPCs that you can speak to and hire for Guild Drakes. By default the hireable NPCs are procedurally generated like Wild Bred are, but in the Gameplay section of options menu you can change the behavior to pick from your playable characters list as well. They will persist until hired unless you indicate you aren’t interested.
NEW Feature - Ammo usage - The Stinger rifle now requires ammunition to fire, and the type of ammo now matters depending on the species being cured; optimal ammo type should only take one injection, but otherwise two - though the one will slow them. You must use ammo to perform a cure (no longer can sneak up to cure). Various ammo prices and amounts have changed to accommodate this. More stores also stock ammo, although Timathi by far has the biggest inventory.
NEW Feature - Random sailing loot - The passage of time on and off the sailing map now will cause random flotsam that can be looted throughout the map. The loot will persist where it spawned until collected.
NEW Major NPC Act - MxF act with Cabinpaw Juin. (r33b) Tweaks and polish to dialogue and act triggers.
NEW Additional Act - FxF act with Nikka on Iskaai.
NEW Additional Act - MxF act with Annya on Iskaai.
NEW NPCs - Skiia - Makana, Artist Kence, Huntress Jesaira, Farmer Mikkel, and Farmer Janz.
NEW NPCs - Iskaai - Playwright Sophox, Rower Pemba, and Lookout Rika.
NEW NPCs - Kizan - Apprentice Phix, Explorer Layatt, Val, and Artist Eya.
Ship - Ship cargo bays are now usable for storage.
Ship - Ship bed is now actually usable for sleeping.
Lootables - Lootables now generally disable the firefly effect and switch to opened graphics when looted.
Sailing - Sailing marker now changes color if it targets something that will be interacted with (e.g. a shipwreck or dock).
Sailing - When sailing the ship will now blurb out messages depending on position to something or what the marker targets.
Map markers - Iskaai now has discoverable location markers.
Added fallback behavior (forcing act end) whenever a conversation ends during an act improperly.
Added dialogue for Bosun, Juin, and Pinch when on Iskaai.
(r33b) Fixed inaccessible jewel box in Dancing Ferns on Kizan.
(r33b) Fixed minor loot collider and interaction problems on Iskaai.
(r33b) Fixed minor stair problems on Skiia.
(r33b) Fixed floating rock on Kizan.
(r33b) Fixed Bosun having wrong dialogue start node on Iskaai.
(r33b) Fixed Selis, Fenry, and Debyrrah having wrong start node on Iskaai.
Fixed an issue where a crew or follower could pass out mid conversation.
Fixed Pinch missing Iskaai specific dialogue start.
Fixed an inaccessible jewel box on Iskaai.
Fixed various logic and spelling errors in almost all conversation files.
Fixed accessing the equipment on crew sometimes not showing the correct crewmember when swapped via crew manager in logbook.
Fixed filter text fields hiding/closing interfaces when typing a key that is a hotkey.
Fixed flycam in acts disabling your crosshair after the act.
Fixed an inaccessible box inside a broken barrel on a Skiia beach.
Fixed Heev neck model.
Fixed color picker show and hide logic in the character creator.
Fixed missing tooltips in the character creator and showroom.
Fixed prey sometimes spawning with horns again.
Fixed default equipment button for hired crew.
Fixed crew that don’t spawn correctly preventing the crew manager logbook page from setting up.
Fixed problems caused by entering flycam during a firing animation.
Fixed the stinger getting stuck in its open position if unequipped at specific points of animations.
Fixed various navmesh issues on all islands including follower jump points on Iskaai dock.
Fixed Ribbons dialogue mentioning a bottle when actually giving a book.
Fixed various conversation typos.
(r33b) Adjusted colliders on swamp house and fixed som eplank LODs on Kizan.
(r33b) Adjusted colliders on ramps up to lighthouse on Kizan.
Tweaked save files: Game version information is now stored in the save file and extraneous data stored for collected inventories is deleted.
Tweaked how the orbit camera handles indoors to better handle occlusion culling if pushed against a floor or ceiling.
Tweaked the main menu character picker to clear its text filter when closed.
Tweaked the character picker interfaces (generally wider with larger text, but also changes font sizes to fit names better).
Tweaked default equipment option to default off if the gameplay clothing option is disabled when they are recruited (otherwise they’d suddenly start wearing clothing when recruited)
Tweaked walking speed of crew/follower to more smoothly animate depending on distance to their destination. They also will nudge themselves if they get stuck along a path.
Tweaked Herlstead tavern windows to be transparent.
Tweaked how NPCs spawn indoors to better spawn on the correct floor.
Crew can now automatically wake up if they happen to be tranquilized (not just via interaction).
MODDING - Added a black outline to modding tool text in game.
MODDING - Overriding a NPC conversation now leaves the spawn time as is when left unspecified (rather than forced to Anytime).
MODDING - Fixed dynamicSpawn prey spawners ignoring the radius setting.
MODDING - Fixed prey spawners not spawning any built in characters if overridden.
MODDING - Added various additional checks and warnings including invalid/misspelled entries in the pail file.
MODDING - Any mod that produces an error or warning during loading will now cause a prompt when the game is started.
MODDING - Fixed prey spawners not using the Any locale setting correctly.
MODDING - Modded character entries for prey can now specify no biome so they can be exclusive to forceCharacters spawners (prior to this they could potentially spawn in any biome).
MODDING - The yarn command SpawnNPC now can now manually unhide a hidden NPC (much like the command DespawnNPC could force an immediate effect to hide them)
MODDING - Added support for yarn variable {inserts} for papers.
MODDING - A $ that often indicates a variable can now optionally be included in {$inserts} rather than being treated like $$someVariable.
MODDING - Conversations are now identified in game as modified per node rather than only checking if the start node was modified.
MODDING - Added additional yarn variables for rarity, pronoun, whether an island has been visited, and information required for hireables.
MODDING - Fixed crew data not updating any changes to default equipment.
MODDING - Fixed an error if accessing the isInBase variable for a NPC that isn’t crew.
MODDING - NPC spawners can now have a randomized facing via the randomFacing properly and can be rotated freely via the allAxisRotation property.

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