"Girl by Accident" is an over 18 narrative-driven title that follows Alex Sterling, a young and successful architect. The main protagonist suddenly finds himself in a car accident only to wake up in the hospital filled with sexy nurses but to his surprise, he is now stuck in the body of "Alice" Sterling, a sexy young blonde woman. This uncensored visual novel explores what it's like to step into the female body. The true life adventure kicks in after a week when "Miss Sterling" gets out of the hospital. At that point, the player can decide to return to the family or move in with the appealing roommate, Lars. Every path you take can lead you to embrace new parts of your femininity or better yet, new methods of corruption to satisfy your penchant for adventure and sex. It is a game where you can have sex with man, also sleep with sexy woman. Play on and experience all the complexities, nuances, and pleasures that come with being a hot, sexually-charged woman.
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