Katia and Dungeon Quest! Ver.0.13 by Tentacles san and art Porn Game

Porn Game: Katia and Dungeon Quest! Ver.0.13 by Tentacles san and art

Katia, a young farmer, leads a quiet and peaceful life in the remotest corner of the Kingdom of Phoenix.
On weekdays, she diligently works on her beloved aunt's farm, while on weekends she brews cider and strong beer.
One day, the high priestess of the goddess-shepherdess arrives in the small border town and heads straight to Katia.
What could bind such different girls? The answer is simple: care for the younger half-sister.
Despite Katia being a bastard, renounced by almost her entire family, and Leah being an influential priestess with the title of countess, the sisters manage to maintain a close relationship.
However, as soon as they reunite, an event occurs that turns the peasant girl's life upside down.

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