This is an erotic game about making a Harem of TG Girls by transforming men into women through magic and then conquering the world. As from the Title...
Overview: He once descended to the ground 300 years ago and sealed the evil wizard Nana and the monsters under his control, but due to the exhaustion...
Overview: In Best Mom, you are immersed in the life of a resilient single mother who, after the tragic loss of her husband, is now solely responsible...
Ring of Lust" is an adult adventure where you play for Bill, a young man that moved to the house of your father's new wife. The game centered around...
A math-and-text based game inspired by Sim Brothel and Slave Maker, with the twist that this time, instead of managing whores, you are the whore that...
Howdy, pardner! Might I say, you're looking fit as a fiddle! And this is not surprising, because you are one of the survivors in a comfortable vault!...
The Club 2 continues the domination and feminisation adventures that were first seen in The Club. It is centered around a fetish club called Club M,...
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