In a fantastical land named Astylla, a constant war against the Demon King's Army has been waged for over 400 years. Just 15 years ago the Demon King...
For ages, the Orc race endured oppression and expulsion at the hands of humans. But one day, something changed. The Orcs grew immensely powerful, and...
Updated: 25-Nov-2024 Reason: Update to V1.0.0.4 Final.
The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex...
The Story The game takes place in the year 8643. You play as Captain Linessa Star, Commander of Repopulation Colony: Deep Six Nine. Deep Six Nine is...
Step into the shoes of a man caught between two vastly different lives in Alternate World, a riveting visual novel designed exclusively for the adult...
Itoko and her lover "Nemu" have run away from home. Since it is said that the parents have an official relationship, they will be entrusted with it....
MudBlood Prologue is an adult sandbox and management game set in a medieval fantasy world, where the player is the chief of a goblin tribe that lives...
Waifu Dreams City is a full 3D sandbox game. You dance and get Ladies to dance for you to earn money to buy more levels and unlock higher floors with...
Follow branching plot lines as an ancient power awakens and vampires begin their takeover of a small town. Every time a new victim becomes a vampire,...
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