The story of a high school student who just started living with two beautiful women for the summer vacations. Not that anything will ever come out of...
"In a world devastated by destruction, three survivors fight not only against zombies but also against their own inner demons from the past. Immerse...
After ten long years of protecting her foster family from her little secret, a young futanari finally takes off her chastity belt upon entering high...
There is a heavy storm at sea. You lie unconscious on your small boat. A mysterious voice calls to you from your dreams to stay alive. The fate of an...
One morning, two strangers in two different beds woke up so dissatisfied with their lives that not even laziness could keep them from doing something...
Enter the Excessive Expanse and experience the FATACLYSM - a multiversal calamity that has brought together disparate fragments of space and time to...
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