The story follows a man who died in a car accident, things take a turn for the weird when he wakes up in the floor of an hotel room and now he is an...
Femlife is a simulation of the life of a young woman, Violetta. You are just coming to the city, renting an apartment, looking for a job, taking care...
The main character is a former soccer player who was forced to retire early and started using his knowledge to stay in the business, as a businessman...
After ten long years of protecting her foster family from her little secret, a young futanari finally takes off her chastity belt upon entering high...
The story is happening around your character, who was unwilingly sent to his mother house. The city you have known before is now like different - so...
Players need to turn over the hidden cards and find the cards of the same color or pattern to match and eliminate them! Players need to successfully...
A girl who just lost her job and unsure about her life. Now its up to you how you want to shape her destiny. Based on your choice, she can become one...
Play as a Hero in this Roguelike RPG: Fight girls and challenge yourself for the highest Score while preserving you Hero's sanity. Will your Hero be...
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