After the Third World War, a deadly virus ravaged the world, causing a significant decline in the male population. As a result, mothers sought refuge...
Ty and his sister Taylor are transported by a mysterious event into a world of super cops, sexy spies and an gorgeous ninja assassins battle for the...
Defenestration is set in a futuristic soviet union, the player takes up a role of Kira, young promising girl fresh out of school. Help her get on her...
“Massive debt, a shabby brothel, and a naughty succubus… This is all I get for defeating the Demon God?!” Hire monster girls to attract customers and...
Embark on a provocative journey of self-discovery in "Cuckold Awakening." This adult dating visual novel series explores the exhilarating depths of a...
Updated: 12-Sep-2024 Reason: Add Italian Translation.
A face forward pokemon adventure on an original region where where by pure coincidence a lot of female characters from the main saga decided to move....
A man with mind-reading abilities found himself amid an ensuing bloodbath, only to be rescued by a man who called himself his father. It turned out,...
Updated: 11-Sep-2024 Reason: Add Modded Italian Translation.
◇ 12 girls for your harem ◇ Different fantasy races: humans, elves, monstergirls, demons and more! ◇ Animated characters and NSFW scenes ◇ Each girl...
Updated: 11-Sep-2024 Reason: Update to Ver.1.6 + All DLC.
Overview: This story is about a girl who has moved to a new city to find independence and excitement. Jennifer is alone, but that won't stop her from...
Updated: 11-Sep-2024 Reason: Update to ver.1.1 Fan TL.
In this game you play a necromancer who lived a long time ago and who lost all these powers. Your goal is to escape all the problem a weak man have,...
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