"The Eternally Cursed", is an ADULT Visual Novel, with Fantasy / Action / Magic content. The story revolves around a "young" Immortal, named...
Updated : 24-May-2021 Reason : added version 0.1c.
Ketchems (Previously called Pokekum) is a parody of Pokemon. When you become of age you must become a Ketchem trainer in which you capture, train,...
Updated : 23-May-2021 Reason : added mac version.
This game is about building a village. Gradually, human (and non-humans) girls will settle in the village and you will be able to build romantic...
Half a year passed since the world was destroyed by the angels ——After receiving the letter from the Chivalric Order, Claudia decided to set off for...
Censored: No Version: 1.0 OS: Windows/Mac/Linux Language: English You will play as Garrick Reynolds, a news co-anchor. You and your female...
Updated : 22-May-2021 Reason : added linux version.
Rainy Day is a game whose main character is a famous lawyer named Markus Green. He always gets what he wants. But soon something happens that will...
Updated : 22-May-2021 Reason : added mac version.
A lewd parody of Naruto, that will have a mysterious twist to it. Censored: No Version: 0.1 OS: Windows, Linux, Mac Language: English...
Updated : 21-May-2021 Reason : added mac version.
Be a journalist in the seductive "visual novel" Town of Temptation, which is full of desire. The story begins when you return home with your recent...
145-year-old vampire Axel returns to his hometown аfter two years in China...
Censored: Yes (Mosaics) Version: 1.2.2 OS: Windows Language: English Behold everyone, the sequel of the original Monsters ‘n Girls. For those who...
Updated : 19-May-2021 Reason : added version 1.2.2.
Welcome to the detective agency in old Seoul. This visual novel provides unique mystery and lesbian romance. Players can choose which one of 4 female...
You are a junior member of a thieves guild that pursues gold and rare items. Recently, your guild gave you a rest in order to become a fully fledged...
Updated : 18-May-2021 Reason : added 1 new page.
Updated : 18-May-2021 Reason : added 1 new page.
Updated : 18-May-2021 Reason : added 23 new pages.
Updated : 18-May-2021 Reason : added 13 new pages.
Updated : 18-May-2021 Reason : added 2 new pages.
Updated : 18-May-2021 Reason : added 6 new pages.
It was a cold winters night. Snow fell silently on the neon streets of this nameless city. A bitter wind thrust itself noisely upon every twisted and...
Updated : 17-May-2021 Reason : added version 0.73.
Capture the letters with your mouse and clicking space. Once you have her name, summon her...
Seven years have passed since you moved to this neighborhood. At first you had a hard time to settle in but soon enough you met the neighbor's...
In "Cash Please" you assume the role of an inexperienced sex worker who just started working in a BDSM studio As they lack experience, their main...