Spicier than sugar is a kinetic visual novel that tells the story of Derek, Tiffany and some other character involved in the birth, growth and bloom...
The Demon King of Lust uses his powers to move to another world to take over and take all hot women for him. Censored: No Version: 0.5 OS: Windows,...
After a car accident, you find yourself stuck in the small town of Sutton. With seven days until your sister's wedding, you're going to have to find...
Updated: 13-Apr-2024 Reason: add mac lite version.
My lord, the five kingdoms are in danger! They are attacked by evil creatures who will stop at nothing to attain the lands of Pussy Kingdom. Only you...
This is the story of a hero who tries to challenge a sect of evil people intent on destroying his village. Slay The Mistress is a Rogue-like Rpg game...
Meet ASPI - sequel of Purr of Love! This story covers new problems such as AI, robots and more. Now You can find your path and try different routes....
An explicit erotic visual novel following the story of two college buddies sharing their gorgeous soon-to-be wives on a luxury yacht. ABOUT THE GAME...
This is a story about a crisis in a Beast Nation that involved Monster Girl being forcefully put into "heat". Now it´s up to you to help the local to...
Overview: Welcome to Mistery Mansion! As the new owner, you'll face the challenge of taking care of this majestic residence. Get ready to explore its...
This is the official Renpy remake of the game Crisis Matters: Alyna Alyna is a 30 year old woman, who had an ordinary life but despite everything she...
Forbidden Den is a business simulator(tycoon) mixed with a visual novel. The story narrates the ordeal suffered by the protagonist when his father is...