Overview: This work is set before the first installment, Bewitching Sword. The protagonist is Anna (Rose's mother). She has never been intimate with...
Overview: Meiling, a skilled martial artist, participates in battles at the arena to repay her debts. She has an impeccable record, having never been...
Overview: This is a story about a good *** who decided to become bad, with a help of his personal demon. In the course of actions, the main character...
Overview: "Hi... My name is Angela..." Angela and Rayne have been moving from city to city, trying to escape Angela's past. Angela moves close to her...
Overview: Pervader is a plot-heavy kinetic visual novel set on an island-continent which has its own history, myths and secrets. You play the role of...
Overview: With the disappearance of his father 6 years ago, Aaron Breaker found himself buried in his books trying to take advantage of the American...
Overview: In Depraved Town you wake up discovering that you made a deal with a Succubus, an agreement where both sides win, you can corrupt and have...