Long Way Home is a visual novel in production. Takeshi (default name) has decided to return home due to several reasons, among them being his new...
Updated: 31-Jan-2022
Reason: New version.
Updated: 31-Jan-2022
Reason: Added new pages.
Updated: 30-Jan-2022
Reason: Added 25 pages.
This is a great and innovative game. Besides just the sexual elements, it is legitimately fun to play which is great! This truly is an amazing...
Updated: 30-Jan-2022
Reason: New version.
Hello, this game is called "Shiva's Unusual Adventure" but you can change the name of the main character, and then the game will also change the...
Updated: 30-Jan-2022
Reason: Added Mac version.
Updated: 29-Jan-2022
Reason: Added 2 pages.