"One Man's Descent" by Undeniable Urges. Loosely inspired by the short story, "James‘ Descent into Cuckoldry” by Undeniable Urges. This is the story...
Maze of Memories is a simple game where you wake up in a labyrinth with no memories. You do not know where you are, how you came to be there or even...
The day everyone feared, the day everyone hoped would never come, arrived in the form of a nuclear cloud. The government shelters, built to save and...
You are a clockmaker, someone who can treat gears disease. Five years ago you left home after an argument with your father. Now, you have received a...
Your name is Aeden, from the royal family that rules the newly formed Colonia. Your father, the king, has the kingdom on a tight grip, holding power...
This story contains many situations for size fetish, such as being swallowed whole by a giant woman or being crushed. In addition, you can enjoy the...
You play as an orphan who, about to finish seniort year at High School, the most prestiguous private school in the world, and you'll soon be off to a...
According to a certain mythological tale, the goblins come from the green moon, they came envying what is on Earth and seeking to destroy it. A ***,...
Erosion Project is an Adventure 2D Adult Fantasy RPG combined with Card Game - Strategic elements, which will challenge the player to find the right...