The protagonist Natsuno Shinji spends his days helping his sister, Ai's coffee shop while attending school. However, the situation changed completely...
The country where the elves surrounded by the forest live "Agraliel kingdom" Including the current Queen Efildis, a country governed by women's high...
A certain school in the country. To high-class hero belongs to Shin Sakai, there was a girl just has been transferred to a little before. Her name is...
"How much do you love me?" It has been a week since Kazuya began dating his first love and classmate Asa. This was the first time he had met anyone,...
Aikotoba is a very popular application for finding compatibility, with a simple survey it will select a couple for you. When the work and life of the...
The protagonist's Mr. Takumi Kitaya (Takumi Kazuya) is a web site of the erotic novel of the net "Do erotic novelist! A student who posts a different...
High school student Iori once went to his cousin, a chemistry teacher, in his office and mistakenly drank a freshly developed drug to replace the sex...
Patio City is a game where you control a young guy that finished highschool but still doesn't know what to do with his life so he is currently living...
Karasawa Island belongs to an influential family, in which they honored the power of men over women. But, after the death of the head, it turned out...
Play 'Truth or dare?' before hitting the clubs with your sexy pornstar friends! Hear their awesome arousing stories and tell yours – or dare them to...
Sandy's swinger mansion is the most popular and most exclusive swinger place in town. Her famous balls, masqurades, and erotic challenges tempt many...
Your cute and sexy girlfriend, Morgan works hard day and night to get a promotion at work. As a supporting friend you'd give her anything she needs:...