Following her graduation from middle school, Konomi Yuzuhara enters the same high school as Takāki Kono, her adulthood friend. As the new school year...
The story of Bloodlust: Cerene continues with a twist in another chapter: Royal Descent. In this new installment Prince Tristan has been dispatched,...
Also known as Tifa BDSM. Once again Tifa got captured tied-up in bondage. Although she is trying to break free she's still all at your disposal. Now...
Have you ever wanted to live inside one of your favorite anime shows? Me too. Legend of the Otaku is an anime-based role-playing game where you step...
It puts the player in the shoes of a Slave Trainer who lost his home and sets out on a quest across the galaxy for vengeance, power and a whole lotta...
Year 9999 after the fall of science and technology. The country of Centralia, created by the Gods and protected by the Great Ocean. On its territory...