Not Going Back is a choice-based, story-driven adult visual novel centred around a man from an unstable background entering his first year in college...
Renryuu: Ascension follows the story of Ryen, a half dragon-half human. After some sudden events Ryen becomes the King of his country and starts his...
Beth is locked out of her hotel room...naked. Your job is to help her make the right choices that'll lead her to clothes without getting arrested or...
You are resurrected by a white-haired witch that offers you a deal. Her blood to keep you alive, in return for helping her with an important mission....
Welcome to the world of HornyCraft game! This is an 18+ fan parody where you have to play as a guy named Steve who lives in a cubic world. This world...
Overview: The Elves from the City of Libon have been affected by an infertility curse. Luckily our hero has been gifted with uniquely powerful seed,...
There is a heavy storm at sea. You lie unconscious on your small boat. A mysterious voice calls to you from your dreams to stay alive. The fate of an...
Updated: 29-Aug-2024 Reason: Add German Translation.
This is a lifesim game where you play as a girl trying to make it in life. Yowever you've finally grown the age where you need to capitalize on those...
Updated: 28-Aug-2024 Reason: Add Episode 1 Supporter - Version 8.1.
You are to establish a new adventurers' guild in the wastes to the North. However, a corrupting miasma of unsatiable lust still seeps the soil. Send...
A young man with the dream of becoming a top football player lands at I.M.C. Having spent over a year locking yourself away over his cheating ex how...
After waking up wearing nothing but your underwear at a girls only house party, your university life kicks off to a wild start. Play as an attractive...
In the past a cult headed by the Warlock Kurndorf used the "Book of Control" to exert their domination over the town of Glenvale. Kurndorf was killed...