The story follows a powerless protagonist who, one day, discovers a mysterious book in his front yard. Little did he know, this book would awaken his...
Hey guys and gals! Welcome back to the 80's! RSSU (Retro Style Soviet Undies) is a series of adult visual novels united by a common place and time of...
Updated: 20-May-2023 Reason: Add Italian Translation.
This is the story of a resident of Najima Island who stumbles across a device called the left behind by a dead fanatic wizard. As the name suggests,...
Did you ever watched that old Batman show where him and Robin were always about to die in a trap, and then in the next episode they managed to escape...
On your way to grandma's house you meet a friendly wolf with much to say. She suggest you pick some flowers on your way. But before you could turn to...
Dirty Fantasies: The Good Deed - this story will immerse you in the ordinary everyday days of a young girl. One day she decided to finish work early...
This game is about a young guy who suddenly has a huge amount of power. He gradually gets used to it and learns to use it to his advantage. He learns...
Freeloading Family is a adult 3D game about a man living alone with his step-sister while attending college. What events will unfold from the unusual...
It's the year 2030, in Los Angeles. For the last couple years something has been happening to women, worldwide. They've gotten stronger... faster......
What does a man have left after his father has gone missing, and his ex-girlfriend relentlessly broke up with him for seemingly no reason at all? An...
Our protagonist is a guy like any other normal guy. Lives a peaceful and uncomplicated life. That uncomplicated life turns into a rather complicated...