The protagonist is reincarnated in another world, where he finds himself embroiled in a clash between two armies. This is the result of a combination...
Sasaki Nagami is an art dealer who has lived abroad for a while, but recently returned home and set up an individual gallery. Parents often encourage...
Niito's life changes 180 degrees when he runs into a woman who doesn't recoil from him but even kisses him on the cheek for helping him! In the next...
Description Ever since the loss of his parents at a young age, the protagonist has been living with his two older sisters. He had a good relationship...
Yutaka has spent most of the summer in the country at her grandmother's house, and she can't wait to meet her friends again after a month away. Also,...
The adventurer brought home Slime, who turned into a beautiful girl and even fell in love with him at first sight. Thus began the fun daily life of a...
The world was peaceful after the hero defeated the evil lord. However, the princess Aina who had accompanied him on his journey has yet to return... ...
Release date: 2023/06/11 Version: 1.0 Censored: Yes Language: Jap The ancient and prosperous kingdom of Pertance was on the verge of destruction due...