Tetsuya works hard as a taxi driver, and enjoys anime, manga and games during his private time. While he is satisfied with his current situation, he...
Ten years ago, there was an accident during the transport of chemicals in the port city of Mizuho, as well as a series of murders, but it is now just...
Three years after the first incident. GUIL-TV recovers from crisis and becomes a top-class broadcaster company. Five bright new casters have come to...
Being desired so fervently and living together under one roof, even my heart turns Femmy!? Brothers living under one roof... The elder looking after...
A long time ago, it struck a certain country was a kind of type that it is not a monster monsters. Country is obedience, the soldiers fired. Monsters...
In the early 21st century, a sudden shortage of food and energy sparked World War III, a massive conflict that saw the deaths of millions and brought...
Minoru lives an ordinary life in a completely ordinary apartment. But one day he meets a woman on the Internet with a very interesting address "soap!...