This harem comedy title follows their previous work Love Love Life, in collaboration with SkyFish. Born into a family of martial artists, Souji is a...
This is the first game by SkyFish poco, a sister brand of SkyFish which specializes in more extreme ecchi scenes. Hiro’s osananajimi Chiwa is like a...
One morning, the hero (a crazy old man-inventor) came to breakfast as usual, but, as it turned out, something was wrong. In this family of four, free...
The main character is a very ordinary office workman. He was a senior at the same company and had a favor with "Hidaka Maiko" who was an educator in...
There is a magic school located on a southern island, where female students learn magic hard every day. Fran, Chloe, and Nathalia.... They are going...
Yuichi started his first academic year at Sekigahara Academy this spring. famous for its numerous clubs. But the hero is absolutely not interested in...
Chapter 1- The kingdom of Tritonia is under the protection of the knights. Safely guarded, it flourished. But a spy named Klaus was found among them....