In Magical Camp, you play as a young loser who through a twist of fate finds himself trapped in a boot camp for Magical Girls. Now he has to hide his...
Yuzuki is in need of money for her upcoming wedding anniversary. Then she saw her neighbor looking troubled about the garbages. Having confidence in...
Overview: Adventures of a ***, who occasionaly becomes a witch. With a little inconvenience - witches takes power from the Liquid of Life aka sperm....
Overview: We took a year off from college, while trying to find a job and help out around the house. Our best friend's father is hiding secrets that...
Overview: A mysterious modder has included a new alternate ending after the completion of Elden Ring, letting players revive their companion, Melina....
You were taken by your dad and separated from your family to be trained as the successor to his lucrative business. After hearing your crying mother...
Overview: Goal in life can be lost in just one evening. You can also find one just the same. Will Amon become a puppet in the hands of gods, or does...
Overview: Travel through time and space, to be with the girls you’ve only dreamt about! Visit a distant desert, slay a stormy sea, take a walk on the...
Overview: After failing to get accepted to any college, you stayed behind for an extra year in order to bring up your grades. Your work paid off and...