The game revolves around the main character's household and his unbelievable mindset, can you handle his crazy adventure?...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Fixed.
You take control of Hayden Palmer, a young adult on his gap year. With some help from your friend Nick, you get into a prestigious academy, which...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added new version.
When the debt increases, you will be able to work in the city. at the guild, Inn, pub etc. depending on her level of horniness, workplaces such as...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Final Ver.
You have been bullied for too long. At a low point, you find the opportunity to have control over your bully. They'd look very pretty if they were...
Updated: 23-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Android Ver.
Updated: 23-Mar-2020
Reason: Added 7 new pages.
Updated: 23-Mar-2020
Reason: Added 168 new pages.
Essentially, it was a hybrid between a visual novel and a toy based game. You've landed a job at the Resting Bean Cafe & Inn! Friendly coworkers,...
Updated: 23-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Mac Ver.
You are a who left home at age 13, you lived on the streets where you met two women, you spent two years on the streets with your new friends, then...
Updated: 22-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Save.
Updated: 21-Mar-2020
Reason: Added 4 new pages.
Path to Ascension is an adult text game. In it, you will play as a recently deceased mortal on the path to claim a place among the gods themselves!...
Updated: 21-Mar-2020
Reason: Added new version.
Play as 3 heroines, and find out the mystery of the disappearing schoolgirls. What lies ahead: the truth behind the incidents, or a tragic...
Updated: 20-Mar-2020
Reason: Added new version.
The protagonist Sarah has to bring her friend, Carl, to the magic circle of purification in order to disenchant his curse. With the help of a...
Updated: 20-Mar-2020
Reason: Added English version.