In the "Town Rhapsody", players play the role of a struggling young man who, through unremitting efforts and high emotional intelligence, is promoted...
You have just moved into your ch*ldhood friend Katie's house to start a new chapter of your life at Luxford University. As you try to settle into the...
You are tired of your original job. Thus, you quit the job and decide to move to a small town. Everything going well at first few days. However, when...
In Lineage or Legacy, you take the role of a young man who was raised in the comforts of a rich family. Coddled by his mother, the protagonist lead a...
Ready for an unconventional adventure? Enter the world of a young man who has found a job out of the ordinary: a particular rental ***friend service....
This game is about the difficulties in the life of a couple attending high school Haruka Ayanami and Ryota Hamamura. It is a game that approaches the...
A browser based game where you play as a young, but aimless man with a string of failed relationships behind him. Rather than find yet another young...
Rejoice the story about many brave men attempting to take down on the most dangerous vampire inside their village. Will they be able to fulfill their...
You're Ian, you live with your mom and constantly get harassed by your sisters. When the state goes into lockdown again, it seems like it's going to...
Story driven harem TRPG with light empire management elements about a man, who recently became a lord and gets plunged into intrigue and wars of the...
In order to take revenge, a hero challenges a labyrinth where futanari known as the "Sousei" lurk. There are a number of fiendish succubi lurking in...