Fetish Locator is a story-driven Visual Novella. You play as a student who will discover many things that will happen on his path of discovering his...
Overview: The story is played in an alternate universe which is similar to ours. Here your male character who is a university student decides to join...
You're looking after your uncle's house when he's on his journey to travel around the world. You let some girls stay at the house to earn some money....
That girl, the god of rock-paper-scissors must love her. But you've got a reputation to defend! Take on a flirty, skirty teen in pachinko-style strip...
After traveling through Asia you finally arrive back home to your family. Having no access to the internet you see your family the first time after 2...
MC recently moves out of his hometown, leaving behind his family and girlfriend. He's is returning home during semester break, on a surprise visit to...
"Would you show me your ****?" Those words began it all. A sweet melting affair with the widow. Since he was young, Akito Narazaki (you) had yearned...