Japanese system locale or locale emulator is required The destination of the capture is an orc's den! ARPG aiming to escape by exploring a dark...
Updated : 07-Nov-2021 Reason : Update to Edited MTL.
Gather gold through quests, conversations, and gambling! Statuses and items have scenes when being unlocked. Alternate between day and night, which...
Updated : 28-Oct-2024 Reason : Update to Ver.1.1.0 Win64/32.
Machine Translation The protagonist decides to become a slave trader on a whim. For starters, he buys a cat-eared girl, Yuma, as his assistant to...
Updated : 05-Nov-2021 Reason : Update to Version 1.09.
The tower has settlements on each floor. There are 5 areas in total. The inhabitants of the tower are all unintelligible monsters. However, a...
Updated : 04-Nov-2021 Reason : Update to Ver.2021.05.07.
Edited MTL An exploration RPG with some minor combat elements. The heroine is lvl 99, so there's no difficulty to the encounters. The player...
Updated : 04-Nov-2021 Reason : Update to Edited MTL.