The game revolves around the main character's household and his unbelievable mindset, can you handle his crazy adventure?...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Fixed.
You take control of Hayden Palmer, a young adult on his gap year. With some help from your friend Nick, you get into a prestigious academy, which...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added new version.
When the debt increases, you will be able to work in the city. at the guild, Inn, pub etc. depending on her level of horniness, workplaces such as...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Final Ver.
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: added 6 new pages.
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: added 3 new pages.
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: aded new pages.
About the Game You've landed a job at the Resting Bean Cafe & Inn! Friendly coworkers, great pay, a cute uniform-- It's like a dream come true!...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: New version.
The story: The player will follow the story of Marcy, a young woman that has to work in her mother's place for a week at a hotel (hence the name),...
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added Apk version.
Updated: 24-Mar-2020
Reason: Added 127 Pics.