You are Ginji, a Japanese youth whose two hobbies are girls and getting into fights. One night, while walking in a dark alley, he comes across three...
Overview: In the kingdom of Kaidel, the desert's realm, there dwelt the warrior Aisha. Her noble spirit and dedication to martial training earned her...
You won a competition with your ch*ldhood best friend Penny in your hometown for “up and coming CEO”, so the mayor gave you an office space to start...
Overview: The story is about two ch*ldhood friends, Yuria and Hult, that loved each other for a long time, but started dating only recently. Hult is...
Embark on a quest with the busty witch Beatrix to stop the spread of the evil SexBot Corporation. Fight your way through hordes of converted robotic...
Waking up with no memories of who she is, Gwendolyn finds herself in a world that is obsessed with lust, sex and fantasy. She must team up with a cat...