A tale of two lovers whose peace is shattered by the unexpected arrival of an old "friend" of the main ***friend. Despite the ***friend's overly kind...
The Fox and Devil tells the story of Eleonora, a half-demon who lives camouflaged in the human world. Guided by the promise of revenge and her desire...
Venture into the Borealis Valley after an evil wizard turned the princesses of the five kingdoms into monsters. A young knight named Zepherion takes...
Immerse yourself in "Phantom Girls: Ghostbuster", an adult FPS horror game where sensuality meets horror. Go through explicit scenes and supernatural...
Overview: As a result of the rapid melting of glaciers and permafrost in Siberia, a giant release of methane occurred into the atmosphere, which led...
When life has really kicked your ass again, you sit depressed in the city park in the evening. Suddenly, mysterious lights appear and you are pulled...