Overview: The protagonist, who obtained a book that sealed those who deemed exorcism impossible by chance, unknowingly opens the book and gets sucked...
A Trainer game in a FairyTale World. You end up on an abandoned planet and deliver a fairy in a jar (?) Does magic exist? No, but what you' re about...
Athena's Revenge is the third and final visual novel in the Gorgon Trilogy along with Tragedy of Medusa and Euryale's Gambit. The game takes place a...
What I wanted in a game is you can go out into the world, chat, and have some fun with intelligent characters. Full physics touch mechanics, a smart...
Overview: Emona is fighting goblins to find her missing mother, but when she learns that her father, Osiriski, and the goblins are scum who colluded...
Overview: You woke up in the hospital and don't remember anything from your past. Who is friend, who is enemy and who is slave? That's what you have...
Auxtasy is a 3D artist who makes pictures and short animations of characters from Overwatch, Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, The Witcher, etc. Content:...