Set in fictional foxes flu pandemic era, young college teen and his brother's fiancee, quarantine themselves at solitary lake house in the middle of...
Overview: Dilemma of Devotion embarks you, the protagonist, on a journey. To the outside world, You seem to be the ideal guy anyone would like to be,...
Sex Gods tell you the Rex's story, a guy who leads a normal life in the company of his beautiful and beloved girlfriend, until one day by destiniy......
Shut Up and Dance" is the story of a young man's life taking a turn for the worse and everything going downhill in an instant. A beloved person dies...
You take control of a guy living with three beautiful women. You live a pretty ordinary life... You go to school, do your chores, study for college,...
Overview: A visual novel about Netorase (Wife Sharing) The story focuses on the relationship between wife and husband (our protagonist), Stefany is a...
Overview: A man, Mark by default but can be changed, returns home after college to find that his father has fled to the Caribbean with his mistress,...