The story follows a queen who embarks on a vengeful journey to avenge the brutal murder of her royal family and loved ones. Betrayed and broken, she...
Overview: Lusfield is a parody game for adults. The game is based on the popular animated series The Simpsons and Futurama. The main character Fry is...
Welcome to the age of hysteria, where a confused doctor finds himself in the confines of an asylum riddled with monsters of an unknown world. As you...
After a series of poor life choices, Claude (renamable MC) finds himself trapped in a world where he is the only MALE, and all the women believe him...
Sex Gods tell you Rex's story, a guy who leads an everyday life in the company of his beautiful and beloved girlfriend, until one day, by destiny......
Play as a newly hired Biology teacher who desires to corrupt his fellow teachers, neighbours and his students. Seduce scores of women, from your sexy...
What does it mean to be human? In Tri City Monsters you'll come face to face with the answers. Enter these cast offs. Mori, Amir, and Akello all lead...