Overview: The story continues events from the first game. In Poolside Adventure 2 you're gonna play as Chris, but also as a Lucy (game has two story...
Overview: The story takes place on the Island of Leridia, in a small village called Masa. Sylia, a young and pretty girl wants to become a Guardian....
In this world full of magic, you play as Amy, an elvish maid. After an orc raid on your village, it’s your quest to deliver the girls that were taken...
Overview: This is a remake of Atella's (Mr.183) CardWirth game, Mushi no Kangoku. Leah is an adventurer that takes a request to find a missing survey...
Mark Sar and Maraya Shar own one of the biggest fashion houses in the world, but they do not meet the criteria to be able to adopt ch*ldrens. But by...
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