This game presents an engaging story where the protagonist explores the world of sex education, discovering that knowledge is the real power. It's an...
Amity Park is a Dating Sim/Visual Novel game based on the notable Nickelodeon television show, Danny Phantom. The game is a bit of a retelling of the...
This is the story of a down-on-his luck drifter, who, due some unforseen circumstances, ends up donning the identity of a young nobleman. Now, he has...
After you die, someone mysterious appears in front of you, proposing you a rather strange deal: "Would you like to become a guide to the afterlife?"....
With the 13 Galaxies in limbo, your quest, if you choose to accept it, is to turn order into chaos, strength into weakness and leaders into puppets....
Lust Legion is a visual novel, adventure story telling game. Gorgeous hand-drawn characters and animated scenes are waiting for you! Choose the best...
In Lusting my religion you're a guy (although everybody thinks you're a girl) who works as a simple locksmith, one night you got tired of being poor...
Parasite Black is a mature, dark fantasy adult RPG sandbox game, with turn-based combat and VN style sandbox exploration, set in the world of Mirnos,...
Overview: This Game is a reboot of Wifey's Dilemma, with many new upgrades and features. In this game, the main character marries his friend so that...
You play as a guy that has the power to save heroines/girls from different parts in the multiverse after the destruction of their universe. You will...
Overview: Souper Game is a fun and spicy clicker where you play as... SOUP! That's right—an irresistible, hot, and aromatic soup that the elven girl...
You play as the 'MC' who has lived and worked his entire life just to stay alive until one day something mysterious happens and gives you the chance...
With the 13 Galaxies in limbo, your quest, if you choose to accept it, is to turn order into chaos, strength into weakness and leaders into puppets....
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