This game presents an engaging story where the protagonist explores the world of sex education, discovering that knowledge is the real power. It's an...
Overview: A stand alone *companion game to A Father's Sins. Exploring alternative paths and what/if scenarios where the MC pretty much spends all his...
Updated: 18-Nov-2024 Reason: added Italian Translation..
The Martin Experiment is an erotic comedy visual novel full of mysteries and conspiracies. You play as Martin, a young man who has been abandoned by...
A story-focused, highly animated visual novel with several love interests, both male and female. Riley Ito, a former soldier forced to leave the army...
After six years locked up in an orphanage and completely isolated from your family, the summer of your 18th birthday arrives and it's time to return...
In the game you’ll play as a man teetering over the edge of boredom right before the opportunity of meta-human abilities comes to rescue him from his...
Naughty Pirates is an adult visual novel based on One Piece. Embark on an exciting journey with the Straw Hat Pirates in "Naughty Pirates", a visual...
After you die, someone mysterious appears in front of you, proposing you a rather strange deal: "Would you like to become a guide to the afterlife?"....
Overview: Parodying the game Saiko no Sutoka, Yuri no Sutoka arrives, a spin-off game of my game Love's Heart where you will play as Haruna, who has...
You play as the 'MC' who has lived and worked his entire life just to stay alive until one day something mysterious happens and gives you the chance...
You are transferred to a new school which is also where your ch*ldhood friend is currently studying. Its an all-female school but you somehow end up...
The exclusive district of Hillside is home to the country's film industry and to those lucky enough to be able to afford to live there. Among them is...
In a world where nobility possess the power to purchase and own human beings, Sylvia and Jack, a couple deeply in love, stand before the doors to the...
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