Overview: This is the tale of a young man who leads an ordinary life. However, everything changes when a woman named Sarah visits him and opens up a...
Step into the shoes of a young man in a fictional 1980s Latin America. Embrace your destiny as you assume control of your family's cartel, navigating...
Finally came the day where our protagonist graduated from high-school. Now it's time for him to step into adulthood and go to college, and to do that...
Play as a newly hired Biology teacher who desires to corrupt his fellow teachers, neighbours and his students. Seduce scores of women, from your sexy...
An esoteric RPG where nothing is sacred. Every corruption is fully illustrated across sex scenes! Fight through lewd monster-girls who use hypnosis,...
A Wife’s Phone is an erotic text-based game with elements of cheating, NTR, harassment, mind control, hypnosis, feminisation, transformation and much...
Double Perception" is a game with 2 realms. First is Reality. Nothing special, just common Earth. Second is a bit more interesting – Dawn of Arcanum....
Overview: In this tortured world, nuclear bombs didn't just take more than half of the human population away, they also burned all the humanity from...
This is the story of how Angelina and her stepfather became members of The Higher Society. You play the role of the stepfather. As a respected actor...
Overview: In this tortured world, nuclear bombs didn't just take more than half of the human population away, they also burned all the humanity from...
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