Overview: Sinful Vampires is an adult visual novel set in a very dark futuristic world. The protagonist of this story is a young scientist who is an...
Lena and Ian are two very different people who find themselves in a very similar moment in their lives. Both struggling to achieve their dreams, both...
Overview: You are someone who spent the entire youth playing MMOs, not thinking about anything else and ignoring your youth. But life catches up with...
Overview: Follow Aura's adventure as she is thrust into the fantasy world of Roya. What she initially believed to follow the conventional plotline of...
Overview: A struggling writer, you just managed to sell a book for enough money to afford a house. Life in the suburbs promised to be everything you...
Overview: As a former disgraced teacher, you are given one last chance to enter the world of academia. You are to teach the hopelessly ignorant young...
Overview: Nephilim tells the story of a young man growing up. On a fateful night a wanderer finds our mc (You), he decides to take him under his wing...
THERAPY is a kinetic visual novel. It is focused on the slow corruption and moral degeneration of the female MC through hypnosis. Lisa, the MC, is a...